Last week, the Spring Equinox brought half the world out of Winter with promises of gentle weather and budding trees. What better time than now, then, to have a look at the fresh ideas blossoming in the pharmatech industry.
Innovative rAAV vectorology is dissected by PerkinElmer (page 6), while mainstay of IPT, mass spectrometry, has Bruker Daltonics share its insight into how more nucleic acid sequences are being processed due to technological advancements in this field (page 10).
A highlight of this edition is our feature on page 24, where leaders at Iperion, Bayer, BioNTech and ruminate on how best the quality and consistency of data can be looked after by the companies benefitting from it.
Many articles look at how existing practices can be improved in light of new technological advances – Optibrium talks about AI in drug discovery (page 18), Neo4j explains how knowledge graphs are the future of data management and comparison (27), while on page 38 Broughton suggests ways of adapting pMDIs for a greener world.
Spring brings an invigorating rush to the world, and IPT hopes you find our Spring edition just as energising.
Happy reading.
James Spargo
Editorial Assistant